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Schneider LASIK Centers offers LASIK to residents of Corona, Riverside, the Inland Empire, and Orange County.

The FS and iFS Laser systems are ophthalmic surgical lasers indicated for use in patients undergoing surgery or treatment requiring the initial lamellar resection of the cornea. Contraindications may include corneal edema, glaucoma, and keratoconus. Risks and complications may include corneal pain, flap tearing, and epithelial ingrowth. Consult with your eye care professional for a complete listing of contraindications and risks. U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale, distribution, and use by or on the order of a physician or other licensed eye care practitioner.

Risks and Complications

Most patients are very pleased with the results of their refractive surgery. However, like any other medical procedure, there are risks involved. That’s why it is important for you to understand the limitations and possible complications of refractive surgery. Before undergoing a refractive procedure, you should carefully weigh the risks and benefits based on your own personal value system and try to avoid being influenced by friends who have had the procedure or doctors encouraging you to do so.

FDA Risks

As with any surgical procedure there are risks associated with CustomVue™ treatments. It is important to discuss these risks with your doctor before you make the decision to have the surgery. If the results of the surgery are not satisfactory, you may need to have additional laser treatment in the same eye. Your doctor may perform CustomVue™ LASIK for both eyes. However, sometimes it is better to have this procedure done on only one eye. Talk with your doctor about whether it would be better to treat one or both of your eyes.

Some risks are related to the creation of the corneal flap. Corneal flap complications include but are not limited to cutting an incomplete, irregular flap or free flap; misalignment of the flap; and perforation of the cornea. Corneal flap complications range in severity from those that simply require the treatment to be postponed for several months to those which create corneal irregularities resulting in permanently blurred vision.

You may need reading glasses after laser surgery even if you did not wear them prior. Your vision may not be perfect, and you may need to wear glasses or contact lenses for some activities even after laser vision correction.